Niaspan Pictures

Niaspan ER 1000 mgImage of Niaspan 500 mgNIASPAN (extended releaseNIASPAN should not be taken byNiaspanniaspan Pfizer Inc.'s newPictures of Niaspan Oral pillsNIASPAN Pill IdentificationNiaspan


RPT-UPDATE 3-Niaspan tops Zetia in new setback for Merck drug
N) Niaspan appeared to be more effective and safer than Merck & Co's (MRK.N) Zetia as a supplementary cholesterol treatment to statins, according to a small ...

Abbott Statement on ARBITER 6 - HALTS Results and Abbott's Niaspan (niacin ...
In a pre-specified secondary endpoint of the study, treatment with Niaspan plus statin also resulted in significantly fewer major adverse cardiac events, ...

UPDATE 2-Niaspan tops Zetia in new setback for Merck drug
N: 行情) Niaspan appeared to be more effective and safer than Merck & Co's (MRK.N: 行情) Zetia as a secondary cholesterol treatment, according to a small ...


The common name of Niaspan is Niacin. It extended release belongs to the family of medications known as lipid metabolism regulators. It is used to treat high cholesterol. It is believed to work by decreasing the production of cholesterol in the body. It helps to lower total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and increases HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol).
Get this medication from online pharmacies at affordable rates.
The usual recommended starting dose of niacin extended release is 500 mg at bedtime, after a low-fat snack. The dose is gradually increased every 4 weeks to a maximum dose of 2,000 mg at bedtime. Niacin extended release should be used in combination with an appropriate exercise program to reduce cholesterol and it is not intended as a substitute for such a program. Now you can get these
Niacin extended release tablets should be swallowed whole and not crushed or chewed.

Source: Legitimate Canadian Pharmacy


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